Dream Yoga Pdf

Dream yoga offers a marvelous opportunity to work with your mind in the fluid context of a dream and then transpose the insights from your dreams directly into waking life. In dream yoga, dream signs can also be engaged in waking life to clue you in to the fact that you’re asleep and dreaming right now.

The spiritual practice
consists of meditation and dream yoga. Meditation and dream yoga are two sides
of the same thing. If you nevertheless should try to discriminate, then you
about meditation can say, that the three aspects of meditation are
relaxfullness, awareness and heartfullness.


Dream Yoga is shortly said
about realizing the illusory aspect of life and death.

Dream Yoga Pdf

Normally Dream Yoga is
understood as practising meditation during sleep, about realizing the illusory
aspects of dreams, and about achieving special states in sleep, such as
lucidity and astrality. But dream yoga is also about realizing the illusory
aspect of the waking life, both one´s own thought distortions, but also the
thought distortions of society (the book includes for example some very
critical articles on the Zeitgeist of New Age and coaching). Finally Dream Yoga
is about practising meditation during suffering, and during the deathprocess.

Through 18 articles Morten Tolboll draws a map over the spiritual
journey through the dream-labyrinth of life and death. In this map he shows
both dangers and pitfalls, as well as pathfinders and trail markers.
The map is in that way intended to function as a help
so that people can find the dreamtracks and songlines in the artwork of their

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