Bat File To Exe Converter

Most of us are familiar with the Command Prompt and its basic commands. We usually execute a set of commands in order to complete a task or obtain some information. But this can also be done with the help of a bat file. ‘Bat’ or batch files are unformatted text files that contain the commands to be followed in order. Whenever you open a ‘bat’ file from CMD, it executes all the commands in order and outputs the result. Batch files make it easier for non-technical users to use the CMD commands as batch files can be written by someone else too.

If you write batch files yourself, you might be familiar with the process of writing one. In this post, we’ve covered a tool that will let you convert BAT files to EXE files. Converting to exe has its own benefits. First of all, it hides away your code if you do not wish to share the code you’ve written. Other than that, it makes it easier for your users as more users are comfortable with EXE files. We’ve covered two tools by the same developer, the first one is a Windows software and the second one is an online tool. Both the tools are aimed to convert your batch files to executable EXEs.

In this tutorial we learn how to convert batch files into exe files. Here on Technologycrazy we like have some fun. Stay tooned to the end to see a really cool free program in action! Jul 30, 2019  Download Bat To Exe Converter. A handy and easy-to-use piece of software designed to help you convert BAT script files to EXE format and password-protect the generated program.

Advanced BAT to EXE Converter is a powerful tool that is designed for creating.EXE files from the.BAT format. The application's interface is a standard window featuring an uncomplicated layout. You can load a Batch file by using either the file browser or 'drag and drop' method.

Convert BAT to EXE file

Bat to Exe converter is a free Windows software available in various variants and formats. The tool is available separately for 32-Bit and 64-Bit platforms and comes in both portable and installable formats. It comes with a lot of example ‘bat’ files that you can convert to executables. Using this tool is very easy, all you need to do is open it up and select your batch file. And then choose where you would like to save your exe file.


There are a lot of customizations available that can be made to fine tune your EXE file. First of all, you can decide the visibility of your application. It can run in a hidden mode, or visible to the end user. Then you can also decide the working directory. You can choose whether the application should start in the current directory or the temporary location.


If your script generates some temporary files, then you might want to delete them once the script ends. So, you can enable deletion on exit or disable it as per your needs. Bat to Exe Converter also lets you encrypt your EXE with a password. Password encryption lets you disable unrestricted access to your file.

Other than these features, you can also specify the architecture your script is aiming at. You can compile different scripts for different architectures and distribute them separately. Also, if your script requires administrator privileges you can add the administrator manifest to the exe. There are a few other miscellaneous features available as well. You can enable ‘Overwrite Existing Files’ so that the EXE automatically overwrite existing included files. Moreover, you can also enable EXE compression using UPX.

Most of the batch scripts use some external files to complete their functionality. If your script is one of them, you can go to the ‘Include’ tab and select all the files that your script makes use of. The settings under version info let you specify version details and choose an icon for the EXE.

The ‘Editor’ lets you edit the ‘bat’ file. You can make your changes here before compiling the EXE file. The editor offers minimal syntax highlighting which makes it easier to view and edit the batch files.

The last ‘Program Settings’ tab lets you choose the language for your EXE file. You can choose anything from 24 available languages. Once you are done customizing your EXE file, you can hit the ‘Compile’ button to compile your batch file into an EXE. Bat to Exe Converter won’t take much longer to convert the file, and you will be able to use it very shortly. You can also reset all the entries to start afresh.

Click here to download Bat to Exe Converter for Windows.

Bat to Exe Converter online tool

The web based version of this tool works similarly well, but it offers less customization. The web app can be useful if you want to convert your file on the go or if you simply do not want many customizations. Again, using the web app is simple too. All you need to do is upload your ‘bat’ file. Then choose a few options here and there. You can customize the visibility, and then you can also specify the architecture and also include the Admin Manifest if your script includes commands that require administrator privileges. You can also specify a password to secure your EXE file. Other customizations such as version info, icon, and language settings are not yet available in the application.

Once done with the customizations, you can hit the ‘Convert’ button and download the EXE file. The final downloadable file is available in an encrypted ZIP file.

The web app can be useful if you quickly want to convert files. But if you want more customizations, I would recommend using the Windows application instead.

Bat to Exe Converter is a great add-on to convert your ‘BAT’ files to ‘EXE’ files. Converting your files to ‘EXE’ not just makes it easier for your users to execute them but also hides your code. Both the Windows app and Web app are useful in different ways. The variety of customizations offered lets you fine tune your EXE file and add more features to it.

Go here to use the Bat to Exe Online Converter.

TIP: You can script batch programs and compile them into .exe file with Batch Compiler.

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Active11 months ago

I have a fairly simple batch script that I would like to execute using a macro on my fancy gaming keyboard. However, SteelSeries Engine only supports opening a .exe file with the macro buttons. Is there any way to convert the script into a simple executable?

Chase Sandmann
Chase SandmannChase Sandmann
4031 gold badge3 silver badges12 bronze badges

4 Answers

Yes, actually. It's not pretty, but it's clean (nothing to clean up afterwards) and it's actually built-in to your system!

In your C:WindowsSystem32 folder, there is a file called iexpress.exe.

  • Right-click it an Run as administrator.
  • Create a new SED and select 'Extract files and run an installation command.'
  • Add the script you want, and make sure that on the next screen, you set the install program to cmd /c [your_script.bat] where [your_script.bat] is the script file you want to execute. If you don't do this, windows will try to use (the old version of Command Prompt) which hasn't been in use for quite a while.
  • Select preferences (you might need to select 'Store files using Long File Name inside Package), set an output path (to the .exe file you want to create), and select 'No restart'.
  • Click next and you should have your .exe!

Just a note, this file actually only acts as a wrapper for your script, and the script itself actually gets executed in a temp folder created on execution (and deleted afterwards), so make sure you don't use any relative paths.

Batch File To Exe Converter Free

1541 gold badge3 silver badges15 bronze badges
Chase SandmannChase Sandmann
4031 gold badge3 silver badges12 bronze badges

Here are 2 free programs that I highly recommend for creating EXE's out of batch files

You can use both programs with simple GUI.

Bat To Exe Converter supports also CLI commands (? flag for help). Basic example from documentation:


If your keyboard software supports the passing of arguments to the executable (which is not improbable) you don't have to.

would run the batch file, and give you a valid executable to name for the keyboard software. No conversion needed means you can always easily make changes to your bat without additional steps required.


I found this article which shows you how to convert a .bat to .exe file using a batch-scipt:

Important downloads:


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Batch File To Exe Converter Portable

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