Origins Of The Term Cracker


Wiki User

The poorest whites of the South, about 10 percent of thepopulation. Often sneeringly called 'crackers', they ekedout a living in isolated, inhospitable areas. Some made cornwhiskey, and many hired out as farmhands for an average wage of $14per month. Because of poor diet and bad living conditions, thesepoor whites often suffered from hookworm and malaria. This, alongwith the natural debilitation of heat and povery gave them areputation as lazy, shiftless, and illiterate.


Works Cited:

The Secret History Of The Word 'Cracker'. 'Cracker,' the old standby of Anglo insults was first noted in the mid 18th century, making it older than the United States itself. It was used to refer to poor whites, particularly those inhabiting the frontier regions of Maryland, Virginia and Georgia. The term 'cracker' was in use during Elizabethan times to describe braggarts. The original root of this is the Middle English word crack1 meaning 'entertaining conversation' (One may be said to 'crack' a joke); this term and the alternate spelling 'craic' are still in use in Ireland and Scotland.

Origins Of The Term Cracker

The American People, Creating a Nation and Society. Consicesixth edition. Nash, Jefferey, Howe, Fredrick, Davis, Winkler,Mires, Pestana. Chapter 11, Pg. 329.


Where Did Crackers Originate

Wiki User

the slang 'cracker' mean like white people you be talkingabout

the other is white trash

Cracker Slang For White Person

'Cracker' refers to the barrels that were filled with wheat orwheat crackers owned by most wealthy plantation owners in thesouth-eastern United States during the nineteenth century. Wheatwas not in short supply and by grinding it down into flour, andthen baked with salt to preserve the wheat, crackers were often inthe barrels. Those who could afford such a luxury were labeled'crackers.' Today the term has since evolved into a derogatorymeaning white person.